Tools + Techniques
I work with my patients to create their own individual treatment protocol. Each person is biochemically unique and deserves to be treated as such. Explore my favorites below…
+ In depth patient history + consultation
Have you really been listened to by your doctor? I trust that my patients know their body best. I use a detailed history as well as present condition symptoms to put together an entire picture of my patients health.
+ Functional lab testing
When we look at labs "functionally" we are looking inbetween the lines and beyond the standard norms that traditional medicine looks at to gain more information. These tests may include blood, stool, urine, saliva or hair samples to provide information about a variety of systems including metabolic, nutritional, endocrine, gastrointestinal, hormonal, immune, genetic, detoxification, and others. I use many different reputable companies and speciality labs. We can test for chronic infections, food sensitivities, toxicity and so much more.
+ Muscle testing
This technique uses the body’s own nervous system to track down what is causing imbalances in the body and resulting state of dis-ease. It is a valuable tool when used properly. With restored communication the body will heal itself.
+ Physician grade supplementation
Where your supplements come from is so important. I only use brands and products that I know will do what I want them to do in your body. Check out supplements page for more info.
+ Homeopathic remedies
This form of medicine has been used for centuries in healings. Using the energy of a substance to bring the body back into a state of optimal health. One of the safest and most effective forms of medicine.
+ Floral essences
These powerful remedies use the energy of the flower to unlock dis-ease and help drastically with stuck emotional patterning. Very safe and effective.
+ Neuro emotional technique
NET is a mind-body technique that finds and removes neurologic imbalances related to the physiology of unresolved stress. NET can help improve many physical and behavioral conditions. Some resources to learn more:
- Our podcast Coffee with the Docs: NET episode
- NET Mind Body
- ONE Research Foundation - all the research behind it and changes in brain scans before and after
This technique helps to harmonize the body to substances that bring it out of balance like allergies + sensitivites.
+ Contact reflex analysis
This is a powerful technique to test various organ systems for imbalances as well as which supplements, herbs etc will help to bring them back into balance. Its one of my favorite tecnqiues to use to assess the order in which the body would like to heal.
+ Natural Healing Technique
This system is based entirely on quantum physics allowing the body to use various frequencies to help bring it back into balance.