Brand Partnerships

As a health and wellness professional, I have the honor of working with some really awesome and innovative brands in the field. Here I'll be sharing some of my very favorites, along with discount codes for you to utilize whenever possible. Enjoy!

Block Blue Light

Purchase your blue light or amber glasses here.

Use code DRNICOLE10 for 10% off.

Block Blue Light’s glasses are designed to reduce your exposure to harmful artificial lighting and digital eye strain, helping you improve your overall health and vitality. With a variety of glasses tailored to meet your unique needs, including computer and gaming glasses for day time screen use to alleviate eye strain, headaches, and migraines, they have you covered. Their science-backed blue light blocking glasses are perfect for night time use, helping you maximise your melatonin production for a deep and restful sleep. These are some of the best blue light glasses on the market, and are a secret tool to help improve your quality of sleep as well.


Join my email list for exclusive email-only deals on AirDoctor

Did you know indoor air can be up to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air? Create a healthier home for you & your family with AirDoctor’s award-winning purifiers that capture allergens, pollutants, smoke, chemicals, and more. AirDoctor is tested & proven to capture particles 100 times smaller than the HEPA standard, so you breathe easy. You can find an AirDoctor in nearly every room of my home.

Fringe Heals

Purchase your Red Light here. Use discount code: DRNICOLE10 for 10% off

American tap water contains over 270 different dangerous contaminants including Lead, Chlorine, Fluoride, Nitrates, PFAs and more. AquaTru water purifiers use patented 4-Stage Reverse Osmosis purification that transforms your tap water into pure, delicious, clean water you can trust. AquaTru is my family’s choice for clean drinking water in our home. Be sure to re-mineralize it using electrolytes and minerals from Fringe.


Join my email list for exclusive email-only deals on AquaTru

Fringe Heals offers the best science-backed red lights on the market. The concept of the power of light for healing purposes has been around for thousands of years. Our ancestors never had to think about the amount of light they got every day, they received the perfect blend of light provided by the sun during the day and around the fire at night. Fringe Heal’s red light products are top of the line for targeted cellular-healing, potential pain and inflammation reduction, targeting fine lines & wrinkles, and more. Fringe also offers some of the cleanest supplements on the market.

 For additional product spotlights and other health + wellness tips


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