
Allergies are essentially the body’s over reaction to something that otherwise seems harmless. Sounds like an autoimmune condition huh? Well it definitely is considered one.

If you struggle with allergies to nature, animals, foods, etc this article is a definite must!

common symptoms

I think we are all pretty familiar with allergy symptoms but lets dive in

Some of the most common are:

  • hives

  • acid reflux

  • itchy eyes

  • itchy throat

  • sneezing + coughing

  • wheezing, tightness of breath

  • swollen lips, tongue, face

  • stomach pain, feeling sick, nausea, bloating

    and more


Most of us KNOW what we are allergic to. Although sometimes it takes some guess work to figure out what is causing the reaction.

I love using muscle testing to narrow down allergens that might not otherwise be commonly known.

I also love using food allergy testing to track down those foods that aren’t necessarily causing anaphylaxis but are causing an allergic reaction in the body. Sometimes these are sneaky and testing can save you time and the headache of omitting all of the possible offenders from your diet.

Mold is a very common allergen and often times we need to test the house - stay tuned for future posts on mold.

In functional medicine we often use the example of the bucket we are born with that holds all of the toxins, heavy metals, emotions etc. As your bucket gets more and more full of toxins, we start reacting to more and more harmless substances. Many things can fill this bucket: emotions/trauma, inflammatory foods, toxins + chemicals, etc.

As this bucket overflows we experience symptoms and pathology. The goal is to continually detox and support your body so your bucket never overflows.

how to balance naturally

There are many ways that we can balance and reduce our allergies. Often times its removing the substance (such as mold or a particular food) and allow the body to come back into balance.

When our allergies are acting up in response to hyper immune responses to harmless substances such as trees or grass we need to do more to balance out our bodies. Often times our liver is burdened and our immune system needs some healing.


there are high histamine foods that we may need to cut back on if our system is on over drive

  • olives, smoked meats, cured meats, pickles, vinegar, cheese + wine. sound like your favorite food group? lowering the amount we consume on a daily basis can help lower our overall histamine load


there are so many amazing supplements that can help break down histamines in the body and also help to balance out the two arms of the immune system. some of my favorites are:

  • nettles, quercetin, bromelain, butterbur, systemic enzymes, bovine liver

  • one of my favorite supplements is called “immune” link here

  • homeopathic allergy supplements (email me if interested)

  • DAO


yes I know that sounds absolutely crazy but its true! one of the reasons I became certified in NET (neuro emotional technique) is because my seasonal allergies essentially disappeared after a treatment at my first seminar. It was incredible.

allergies can have roots in deep emotional wounding. seek out an NET practitioner and have them work on your allergy reflex point.


allergies essentially cause inflammation so we want to remove any foods that are causing inflammation such as gluten, dairy, sugar + soy. If that feels overwhelming I would start with gluten.

remember that bucket analogy? lets reduce the load in your bucket by removing what we can control to help allergies.


I love air filters and I think they are an absolute must to have in your home. If we can control the air quality, as much food quality as possible then we are on the right track to keeping your system clean.

I am able to extend a discount + free shipping for Austin air filters. email if you are interested.

I was the little girl + adult in a bubble for many years. Healing your allergies is possible!

Happy healing!
Dr. Nicole  


80% of Americans aren’t metabolically healthy

